We have a mail ballot concerning the EPCC as indicated in the attachment. Dan Karlan, Stewart Flood, Rebecca Sink-Burris and Admiral Colley co-sponsored.
Section 2.02
4) Employment Policy and Compensation Committee
Existing language . . .
[The Employment Policy and Compensation Committee shall develop the documents necessary for the administration of the employment of the Executive Director, including but not limited to a performance review. Proposed procedures, including forms, for the Executive Director performance review shall be presented by the Employment Policy and Compensation Committee to the LNC for its advice and consent in the 4th quarter of each calendar year. The proposed procedures shall include the administration of the Executive Director performance review in the 1st quarter of each calendar year. The results of the review and any additional recommendations of the Employment Policy and Compensation Committee will be reported at the first available LNC meeting following the review period.]
Replace with . . .
[The Employment Policy and Compensation Committee shall develop documents, procedures, and guidelines for the effective administration, supervision and development of Staff, including but not limited to job descriptions, compensation ranges, hiring, training, performance reviews, promotion, progressive discipline and termination. The LNC may supersede any such documents, procedures and guidelines by adopting a replacement.
The Employment Policy and Compensation Committee shall also be available to Staff to discuss on a confidential basis the working environment or observed violations of the
Policy Manual.]
Fails 7-7, 3 abstentions
Bob Sullentrup
Aaron Starr
Alicia Mattson
Scott Lieberman
Rebecca Sink-Burris
Stewart Flood
Dan Karlan
James Lark
Michael Jingozian
Pat Dixon
Lee Wrights
Mary Ruwart
Tony Ryan
Mark Hinkle
Rachel Hawkridge
Bill Redpath
Michael Colley
Julie Fox
Minor Technical Note
11 months ago